Friday, September 29, 2006

Observation and Recovery

I noticed that this latest batch of flu/sinus infection garbage that is going around seems to be targeting a widespread base of folks. It appears I picked it up at work somehow. I took Monday and Tuesday off, having to call the Doc to get something to drive it off. I went back to work Wednesday, only to find the whole department sniffling, sneezing and coughing. Shhwew. Thought I gave it to them, but it turns out one of the equipment techs was complaining of it the week before. It took me until this week to really say I was feeling alot better.
I spent some time with a friend this past weekend. She was complaining of a sore throat early on. It has now turned to sinus infection. It would also appear that her cousin that lives with her and a bunch of her clan that were gathered over the weekend also are dealing with it. It can't be good when these little biological bugs start zapping folks who are gathered in the same room. I rule out any of the hugging and stuff that went on this past weekend at my friend's as my coworkers all shared it and we refrain from such things.
I wonder from time to time if we have made these bacteria and virus resistant to our medications by over medicating ourselves in general or is it just Mother Nature's way of saying we're tinkering too much with her plan. Science is a good thing and our knowledge of medicines has saved many lives. Nature, however, has a way of protecting herself by using a kind of adaptation that keeps things in check if you will. We see it in the animal world all the time. Species thought to be going extinct suddenly adapt and begin to thrive, sometimes to the point of impeding on us where we once were the impedament to them.
Hopefully, its just a passing bump in our wonderful development as a species. To all those who have this grand sinus thumping ailment, get some rest and lots of fluids.

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